Believe in You

What do you believe about you?

What do you believe about the condition of your life?

What do you believe about YOU manifesting abundant money and abundant riches?

What do you believe about YOU having abundant money and abundant riches?


You have to believe greatly and extremely positively  in you.

You have to believe in your abilities, your uniqueness, your gifts and your personality.

You have to believe greatly in your work and in the great prosperity of  the work and the product of your hands, mind, gifts and talents. You have to believe in YOU.


Believing in you, generates a great level of confidence and confidence is a major requirement in the manifestation of abundant money and abundant riches.

It is when you are confident that that you can take whatever you are doing to the next and higher level.

Believe in You.


No one should believe in you more than you believe in you.

This is what will drive you through obstacles and challenges and cause you to triumph greatly above them and over them.

You must believe greatly in your ideas,

You must believe greatly in the possibility of the manifestation of abundant money and abundant riches in your life.

You must believe in you.

You must believe that you can do all things and you must believe that you can achieve all things. You must believe that you are unstoppable. UNSTOPPABLE is who you are.


Culled from the book SAPFMAM by Cosmas Inyang

Available as eBook and Audio book on Amazon and Audible respectively.



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