I am writing this to inspire everyone or anyone that has ever fallen, to know that it’s time to rise again.

This time you shall be bigger and better and stronger than you’ve ever been.

Arise, from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you,

Rise to a new life,

Shine, Be Radiant with The Glory of The Lord, for your light has come,

And The Glory of The Lord has risen upon you.

This time around as you bounce back, you shall be better than ever.

This time around as you bounce back, you shall be stronger than ever.

It doesn’t matter the situation around,

For you, The Lord shall arise upon you and His Glory shall be seen upon you.

Your Bouncing Back is Quick,

Your Bouncing Back is Speedy,

This time around, as you Bounce Back,

Nations shall come to your light and Kings shall come to your rising.


I will be sharing with you some steps to help Bounce Back Better in any situation.

And they are as follows:


  1. Always Know that God loves you so much and that God is Good. No matter the situation let this be your belief always.  When this is your belief and your mindset, no matter the situation, you will Surely Bounce Back Better and Speedily.  Be dominantly awakened and conscious to this always.


  1. Always Know that All things are always working together for your good only. Know that nothing can ever ever work against your good,  because God is Good and because God loves you so much and He is supporting you always.    So, have the belief and mindset that no matter the situation, it can only get better with you.   Always have the belief and mindset that no matter the situation, that it is always going to work out only for your good.


  1. See the situation differently. Think of how you can ride on it.  Think of the possibilities that can open up to you from that situation.  Note that the same water from the dam that can cause damage, is the same water that is used to generate electricity.


  1. Set new goals for yourself and trust that God is providing all for you. After setting the new goals, creatively think and come up with inspired strategies and steps to achieve your new goals.     Then you take your focus away from the goals and focus on the strategies and steps to achieving your goals.

After setting new goals, if you can’t think of any inspired strategy or step,  just focus on the inner work. As you focus on the inner work of meditation and positive thinking and positive affirmation, the strategies and the opportunities will open up to you.


  1. Express deep Gratitude in that situation. Be Grateful to God. Let your gratitude to God come from your heart.  Feel the gratitude so strongly in every fiber of your being.

Let even the expressions on your face and smile show that you are grateful.

Be sincerely and whole heartedly grateful to God in any situation always.


As you appropriate the above steps you shall BOUNCE BACK BETTER

I also want to share with you a Powerful Affirmation for BOUNCING BACK BETTER

Say out loud to your hearing the following Affirmation every night and morning:

God is Good.

God loves me so much.

I am so grateful to God in this situation and in all things,

I am so Thankful to God in this situation and in all things,

Because I know that this situation and all things are always and only working together for my good.

I choose life,  I choose The Sweet Life.

I choose to Bounce Back Better

I am so grateful to God.

I am so Thankful to God.


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