And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.

Luke 2:52 (NLT)


This morning The Lord opened my eyes to how important these 3 pillars are in the earth and they are WISDOM, INFLUENCE AND FAVOR.


For the purpose of our discussion today, let us see STATURE in the verse above as INFLUENCE.


The Bible says that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and favor,   this means that He was consistently and continually increasing in wisdom, stature and favor.


If The Lord Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and favor then we have to grow in wisdom, stature and favor.


Please note that growth s not a miracle,

For growth to occur something usually takes place. It might be conscious or unconscious,  direct or indirect.


Growth is the right application of revealed principles and means.


This means that in order for one to grow in wisdom, influence and favor just like The Lord Jesus did, one has to rightly apply the revealed principle and means for growing in wisdom, influence and favor.


One of the things that just came to my mind about The Lord Jesus was  His Consistent CONSCIOUSNESS.



These I think were some of His consciousness:

  • The consciousness of who He truly is – The Son of God
  • The consciousness of HIS FATHER
  • The FATHER INSIDE consciousness
  • The Kingdom Consciousness
  • The Inside Out consciousness
  • The consciousness of His purpose


Regular and Consistent Meditation is what brings you into a level of consciousness.

What you meditate on, determines your kind of consciousness.


Meditation on The Word is one of the means of growing in wisdom, influence and favor.

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