In The Name of The Lord Jesus, you are delivered now and always from every trap of the enemy.

In The Name of The Lord Jesus, You are delivered now from every evil plots against you and all that concerns you.

In The Name of The Lord Jesus, You are delivered now and always from every satanic plan against you and all that concerns you.


If there be any demon in you or around you, right now in The Name of The Lord Jesus I cast them out now,

and I order them never to return to you or around you or anything that concerns you.


If there be any demon in your body, right now in The Name of The Lord Jesus I cast the demon out of your body now,

I command them to flee now  and never return to your body.


If there be any demon affecting your mind,

right now in The Name of The Lord Jesus, I cast out that demon now,

and I command that demon never to return.


If there be any demon hanging around your house, your dwelling place or your work environment,

Right now, in The Name of The Lord Jesus I cast them out and I order them never to return.


In The Name of The Lord Jesus every spiritual road block against you is destroyed now,

and your pathways and road are clear for you.


In The Name of The Lord Jesus, I command every demonic manifestation in your life to stop right now

and I decree that there shall be no repetition.


In The Name of The Lord Jesus, let every works of darkness in your life be completely destroyed now,

For it was for this reason that The Lord Jesus came that He might destroy the works of the enemy.


I plead The blood of The Lord Jesus upon you

I plead The blood of The Lord Jesus upon you

I plead The Blood of The Lord Jesus upon all that concerns you

The blood of The Lord Jesus is speaking better things concerning you,

The blood of The Lord Jesus will always speak for you.


The Lord Jesus has set you free

And who The Son has set free is free indeed

You are completely free,  now.


In The Name of The Lord Jesus, no divination and no enchantment will ever work against you.

In The Name of The Lord Jesus, every divination and every enchantment and every work and power of darkness against you, is completely destroyed now.

In The Name of Lord Jesus every witchcraft power and witchcraft manipulation is destroyed completely in your life right now.


In The Name of The Lord Jesus, I loose now whatever the enemy tied in your life.

In The Name of The Lord Jesus I open now every door that the enemy closed in your life.


Clarity has come to you, the spirit of confusion is gone and never to return.

That which came to deplete is gone now from your life and never to return


That which came to steal is gone now from your life and never to return

That which came to destroy is gone now from your life and never to return

That which came to kill is gone now from your life and never to return.


There is a restoration taking place in your life now

There is a recovery taking place in your life now

There is a rebuilding taking place in your life now

There is a resurrection taking in place in your life now.


That which has been coming to abort God’s plan for you is right now stopped and flushed out of your life and never to return.

That which has been coming to hinder manifestations in your life is right now stopped and flushed out of your life and never to return.


Right now, in The Name of The Lord Jesus you are completely delivered from everything that has stopped you from living and enjoying fully the beautiful life that The Lord Jesus has given you.


Addictions of every kind are completely destroyed now and there shall  be no return.


In The Name of The Lord Jesus I decree your complete recovery and complete restoration of your body and mind.

In The Name of The Lord Jesus I decree your complete deliverance now

In The Name of The Lord Jesus I decree your complete freedom now

In The Name of The Lord Jesus I decree your complete recovery now

In The Name of The Lord Jesus, I decree your complete restoration now.


The Lord Jesus has set you free,

You are completely free now and always.


The Lord bless thee and keep thee

The Lord make His face shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee

The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace

The Lord bless you.

You are greatly blessed

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