Meditation is dwelling on a particular thought and making declarations about that thought until you have or see the physical manifestation and success of that thought.

Meditation is very important because in the scriptures, The Almighty God instructed Joshua to Meditate, in order for him to prosper in his ways, have good success and in the fulfilment of his purpose which was to take territories.

And so in the fulfilment of purpose you’ve got to understand that Meditation is very important and that it was recommended by The Almighty God Himself.

It is very important that you dwell always on Beautiful thoughts and make Beautiful, and personalized declarations about that thought.

The source and the pillar of your meditation should always be The Word of God.


To follow the meditation pattern given to Joshua by The Lord, It is important to pay attention to the details for the lessons and principles in that instruction.

For example, It is stated in that verse to Joshua that The Word of God should not depart from his mouth.

This means that the mouth is an important place and instrument for meditation, this also means that one is to mutter, chant or make heart felt declarations with the mouth during meditation.

Another point from that verse of the scripture to Joshua is that he should meditate on The Word of God day and night.  This shows us that meditation is to be done day and night.

The Instruction of The Lord to  Joshua to Meditate also stated the benefits as quoted below:

“That you may observe and do according to all that  is written in it.

For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success’’

The above quote from the instruction verse to Joshua, shows us that, as you meditate, you shall receive Strategies, Instructions, Insights, Revelations, Ideas, Knowledge, Know how,  Supernatural information, illuminations, Enlightenments and Awakenings.

Meditation will also cause you to take wise actions based on the Supernatural Information or revelation that you have received  during Meditation.

Meditation will cause you to deal wisely, this means that you will function with Supernatural Wisdom,

Meditation leads to Transformation and also releases and activates supernatural wisdom in you,

And then you shall make your way prosperous and have good success.

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