To focus is to give full attention or to concentrate your energy, thoughts, time and other resources on your goals, vision, dream, idea, task or project.

Focus more on what you want.

What you focus on, you become.

What you focus on, you accomplish.

What you focus on, grows.

What you focus on, expands.


Focus intelligently.

Focus strategically.

Focus with a target.

Focus wisely.

Focus requires disciplines.

Focus intentionally.


What you concentrate your thoughts on, is likely to manifest.

What you give attention to will expand.

Let your success be your focus,

Let God be your focus.

It’s in you, Focus on cultivating that which you have on the inside.

When that which is inside is cultivated, the  harvest will appear on the outside.

When you start focusing on what you  want, what you don’t want will disappear.

When Light emerges, darkness disappears.

When you start focusing on higher, bigger and better things, the smaller ones are settled,

Because the lesser is in the higher.

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