Dedication and Acknowledgement
This Article and Inspirational blog post is dedicated to the Almighty God, The Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit.
My special thanks and my deepest appreciation goes to The Almighty God.
Thank you so much FATHER for you beyond Great Love for me.
In this transformational and inspirational article I shared with you insights that when applied will bring about a continuous flow of money to you.
Now let’s dive into the 6 keys to make money online and on site and how to keep having money:
Key 1
Right Believing
It is your beliefs that reflect in your thoughts.
It is your beliefs that control the way you think and perhaps what you think,
And your thoughts control your life.
Your thoughts control to a large extent the manifestations that you see and have in your life per time. In order for you to change your life, you have to change your thoughts and for you to change your thoughts, you have to change your beliefs.
And in order for you to see the manifestations of abundant money and riches in your life, you have to change your thoughts about abundant money and riches, and for you to change your thoughts about abundant money and riches, you have to change your beliefs about abundant money and riches.
Beliefs are information that we have come to receive and accept as being true or valid.
And to an extent begin to regulate our thoughts, choices and decisions based on those beliefs.
In order to manifest abundant money and riches, you have to remove from you, wrong and negative beliefs about abundant money and riches,
And then install in your mind the right and positive beliefs about abundant money and riches.
What do you really believe about abundant money and riches?
What do you sincerely believe about people that have abundant money and riches?
Check your beliefs, because that could be the missing link.
Renew your mind with positive and higher beliefs and thoughts about abundant money and riches. Renew your mind with the positive and higher beliefs and thoughts that money is good and that money is a tool. Renew your mind with the positive beliefs and thoughts that being abundantly rich is good. Renew your mind with positive beliefs and thoughts that you can manifest abundant money and riches and that you have what it takes to manifest abundant money and riches and that you will always have and enjoy abundant money and riches.
Key 2
Have Abundance Consciousness
You are everything to the degree of your consciousness.
Success comes to those who are success conscious.
Abundance comes to those who are abundance conscious.
Consciousness is your state of mind and your state of knowing.
Your Consciousness is your mindset based on your dominant beliefs and your dominant thoughts.
For you to manifest abundant money and riches, you have to always be abundance conscious.
you have to be conscious of the fact that abundant money and riches is yours.
You must dominantly think that you have now, and always, abundant money and riches.
You must think this way, you must strongly feel this way.
And you also have to talk this way.
Your attitude must align with your dominant thoughts of already having abundant money and riches.
Feel it so strongly like you have it now.
Feel it so strongly like you would always have it.
Feel it so strongly like you are living in abundance now.
Let every fiber of your being feel this way.
As you feel this way and as you keep this feeling, suddenly you shall begin to see circumstances, events, people and opportunities, flowing to you and all things almost effortlessly falling in place for you and therefore leading to the accomplishment of your vision, your dreams, your goals and the fulfillment and the manifestation of abundant money and abundant riches.
This is God’s plan for you. This is who you were born to be. Abundance is who you are Abundance is yours, you are abundant, and you are from abundance and all things flow to you in abundance.
Key 3
Remove Abundance Blocks
You are from God and God is beyond abundance. He is beyond Abundant.
In Him flows every good thing in abundance.
God is beyond Good and because of His love for you, there is always a flow of everything good to you out of His Goodness and in abundance. But often times this flow meets a block in people. And when once the blocks are removed, the flow goes through.
Would you like to know what blocks abundance?
Would you like to know what blocks the flow of abundant money and riche to people?
The blocks are basically in the mind and in what people say and in the energy that people generate and release.
For example, the thoughts or the mindset that money is evil is a block, because what one thinks as being evil is not supposed to flow to such a person.
The thoughts that rich people are evil is another block, one cannot become what one consider as evil and one cannot become what one hates.
Every negative perception about money and rich people should be changed and replaced with positive thoughts, positive perception and positive words about money, riches and rich people.
Did you know that some negative feelings are also blocks?, blocking the manifestation of abundant money and riches. Did you know?
Feelings of hopelessness, feelings and thoughts of being nothing and having nothing, feelings of anger, feelings of pride, feelings of guilt, feelings of shame and worthlessness, feelings of grief and sorrow, all these are negative feelings, releasing negative energies and they block the flow of abundance and the manifestation of abundant money and riches. Every negative feeling and thoughts or perception, is a block and every positive feeling and thoughts, draws the flow.
Check and replace all negative feelings and energy with positive feelings like love, peace, joy, confidence, faith, courage and gratitude. As you do this you are opening up yourself to the flow of abundance, you are opening up yourself to the flow of everything good in abundance and you are opening up yourself to the flow and manifestation of abundant money and abundant riches.
Key 4
Pursue Purpose
Your purpose is that unique thing or service that you were born to render here on earth and to be a blessing to others.
It is that effortless thing that you like doing and that you are passionate about.
It is that thing that you have the natural talent and gift for.
It is that which your personality supports and that which your whole being was wired and designed for.
It is that thing that when you do, you feel like you have come into your zone, and suddenly there is this energy that bursts forth and you begin to do it like no other.
When you have come to that point, you know, you have stepped into your calling and purpose.
Functioning wisely and strategically in your purpose generates abundant money and riches.
Functioning in your purpose releases a unique value, and it is the adding of value to others that generates abundant money and abundant riches.
Wherever and whenever value is released, abundant money and abundant riches comes.
Focus on adding more value, focus on adding better value.
Believe in what you’ve got and believe in who you are.
Refine and Package your purpose, your gifts and your uniqueness and then distribute it widely.
Target reaching a lot of people with your purpose and your gifts, do so with the intention of adding value to them, and as you do, abundant money and abundant riches will flow to you.
Never let your sole aim of adding value be that you want to make money from them,
Let your primary and most important intention be that you want to help, and that you are offering a solution or giving them excellent satisfaction for what they want. As you do this abundant money and abundant riches will effortlessly and naturally flow to you.
Pursue Purpose.
Key 5
How to connect to The Source
The Lord Jesus Christ is The Source of money and abundance.
Would you like to surrender your life to Him?
Would you like to receive Him and welcome Him completely into your life?
The good news is that when you fully receive, surrender and welcome The Lord Jesus into your life, you will automatically become a child of God
John1:12 in the amplified version says:
But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave them authority, power, privilege, and right to become children of God,
That is to those who believe in, adhere to, trust in, and rely on His Name.
And apart from becoming a child of God, you will also automatically be translated into The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus, you will automatically become a citizen of The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus.
The good news is that when you come into the kingdom of the lord Jesus, that is when you begin to enjoy the sweeter life.
Look at what The Lord Jesus is saying to you in Mathew 6:33 in the king James version,
He says:
But seek first The Kingdom of God, and His righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you.
The New Living Translation, puts it this way:
Seek The Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.
So would you like to become a child of God now?
Would you like to be translated into The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus now?
Would you like to become a citizen of The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus now?
Would you like to receive all that you need from The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus?
Great!!! You said yes
Heaven is in a joyful celebration because you have said yes.
Now that you have said yes,
You will please say the following prayers and mean it with your heart.
The moment you finish saying the prayer, you are automatically a child of God and you are automatically transferred to The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus and you are automatically a citizen of The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus.
So now please open your mouth and pray out loud to your hearing the following prayers below.
Please mean it with all your heart.
Say out loud to your hearing the following prayer:
I believe, I agree and I declare that The Lord Jesus Christ is The Savior.
He came, He was crucified, He resurrected and was Highly exalted and He is sitting now at the right hand of The Father.
His blood was shed and is eternally active for the eternal redemption and salvation and birth of the sons of God.
I believe, I receive and I declare that The Lord Jesus is my Lord and My Savior.
His blood was shed to wash away my sins to be remembered no more.
I receive now the forgiveness and the washing away forever of my sins and they are remembered no more.
I receive now the gift of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I receive now The Holy Spirit and His functions in my life.
My heart believes The Word of God and I am awakened now and always to The Almighty God.
I am now God’s Greatly Beloved Child and The Almighty God is my Father.
Thank You Father, Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit.
Congratulations you are now a child of God.
Congratulations, you have now been translated into The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus.
Congratulations, you are now a citizen of The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus.
Congratulations, you will now begin to receive all that you need from The Kingdom of The Lord Jesus.
From now on you can now pray to God every day, you can pray every morning, afternoon and night.
It is also important that you read your Bible every day.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
I put The Name of The Lord upon you.
The Name of The Lord is upon you.
The Lord has blessed you.
You are greatly blessed.
Please do write and let us know what The Lord Jesus is doing in your life by writing a comment on this article.
You can also send us your feed back. Please check the menu of our blog to send message or contact us.
Key 6
Stay Connected to The Source
Just like the way the branch of a tree is connected to the vine of the tree, that’s how you are connected to God, who is the ultimate source of abundant money and abundant riches and the ultimate source of everything good, in abundance.
The branch of a tree is the fruit bearing part of the tree, and just like the branch of the tree, you are specially designed to manifest abundant money and abundant riches and you are also specially designed to manifest everything good in abundance.
You are specially designed to manifest visible and beautiful results in abundance.
Just like there is always a natural flow of nutrients and water from the vine to the branches to nourish the branches, there is a natural flow of all that you require to manifest abundant money and abundant riches, to you.
All that you have to do is to stay connected.
You stay connected through your acknowledging of the fact that you are connected to God and that you are abundantly and lovingly supported by God,
And you also stay connected by being dominantly and appreciatively conscious that you are connected to God and that you lovingly supported by God.
Stay connected, for it is your responsibility to stay connected.
Everything that is not connected is stunted and everything that is stunted cannot manifest abundance.
Stay connected, let your hear be on God with all gratitude, joy, and peace,
For He is the ultimate source from which abundant money and abundant riches flows.
Stay connected through meditation, stay connected through prayers and stay connected through reading the scriptures.
Stay connected.
Congratulations for reading to the end.
I encourage you to read this every day for the next 30 days.
I also urge you to practice what you have learnt.
God bless you greatly.