Having Abundance Consciousness

You are everything to the degree of your consciousness.

Success comes to those who are success conscious.

Abundance comes to those who are abundance conscious.

Consciousness is your state of mind and your state of knowing.

Your Consciousness is your mindset based on your dominant beliefs and your dominant thoughts.


For you to manifest abundant money and riches, you have to always be abundance conscious.

you have to be conscious of the fact that abundant money and riches is yours.

You must dominantly think that you have now, and always, abundant money and riches.

You must think this way,  you must strongly feel this way.

And you also have to talk this way.

Your attitude must align with your dominant thoughts of already having abundant money and riches.


Feel it so strongly like you have it now.

Feel it so strongly like you would always have it.

Feel it so strongly like you are living in abundance now.

Let every fibre of your being feel this way.

As you feel this way and as you keep this feeling, suddenly you shall begin to see circumstances, events, people and opportunities, flowing to you and all things almost effortlessly falling in place for you and therefore leading to the accomplishment of your vision, your dreams, your goals and the fulfilment and the manifestation of abundant money and abundant riches.

This is God’s plan for you.  This is who you were born to be. Abundance is who you are Abundance is yours, you are abundant, and you are from abundance and all things flow to you in abundance.


Culled from the book SAPFMAM by Cosmas Inyang

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