The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional


Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang


Beautiful Bible Verse:

I am the good shepherd.

The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.

John 10:11 (NKJV)


A shepherd feeds, guides, helps and protects the sheep.

You have a shepherd.

The Lord Jesus is your shepherd,

And He is the good shepherd.


Imagine this:

If a sheep does not recognize or acknowledge it’s shepherd, what do you think the sheep would do?

Don’t you think the sheep will not want to follow the shepherd?

And don’t you think if the sheep does not follow the shepherd, it will likely be lost, stolen, attacked or eaten up by a prey?


The consciousness that you have a shepherd and knowing who your shepherd is, will help keep your eyes fixed on your shepherd.

And Not having the consciousness that you have a shepherd will make you wander around or wander away.


You have a shepherd.

You are not without a shepherd.

Stop acting, thinking or talking like you do not have a shepherd.

The Lord Jesus is your shepherd and He is the good shepherd.


Fix your eyes on The Lord Jesus your shepherd.

Remember what a shepherd does, a shepherd feeds, guides, helps, care and protects the sheep.

The Lord Jesus is your shepherd,

What a shepherd does to a sheep is what The Lord Jesus your shepherd is doing to you and more.


Acknowledge The Lord Jesus as your shepherd,

Be very very conscious always that The Lord Jesus is your shepherd.

Fix your eyes always on The Lord Jesus,

Incline your ears always to hear, listen and follow His voice.

Declare it always that The Lord Jesus is your shepherd.

Let this regulate your thinking, talking, feeling decisions, choices and actions.



The Lord Jesus is my shepherd

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