The Beautiful Life Daily Devotional


Author: Prophet Cosmas Inyang


Beautiful Bible Verse:
and I will pray The Father, and He shall give you another Comforter,

That He may abide with you forever.

John 14:16 (KJV)


When The Lord Jesus was physically on earth, He was the comforter to His disciples.

Now that He is in Heaven, He has sent us another Comforter.

He has sent us The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is your Comforter now on earth.


The Holy Spirit is with you now.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to counsel you.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to help you.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to advocate for you.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to strengthen you.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to intercede for you.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to be your Standby.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to teach you all things.

The Holy Spirit is with you now to guide you.


You are not alone.

You are never alone.

The Holy Spirit is with you.

You are never Helpless, The Holy Spirit your helper is always present, ready and available to help you.

Be at peace, God bless you greatly.



Thank you Lord Jesus for praying The Father to send me The Holy Spirit.

Thank you Father for sending me The Holy Spirit.

Thank you Holy Spirit for being with me now and always.

Thank you Holy Spirit for what you are doing for me in all aspects of my life.



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